Long Tow Dolly


Better Faster Stronger
Mar 17, 2005
N. N. Raleigh, NC
I started a thread on PBB looking for some updates. It had been discussed a few years back and I was curious as if anyone is doing it or has any information.. I saw a post about someone stacking 2 small CJs on a trailer and this was mentioned as an option..
Basically if you take your car trailer and haul a 2nd rig half hanging off the back..
AB = Rig 1
CD = Rig 2
ABC are ON the trailer D rolls behind.
I see this as simply a long car dolly (with brakes) with extra stuff (a rig) on the front.
Obviously not every trailer would be up to the task of doing this.
Anyone got any information or opinions ?
Any laws or legislation on whats a dollys vs an actual 2nd trailer.. IMHO there is no hitch or 'trailer' per-se only the 2nd rig.
Oh ya here is some other things ive found..
http://www.factoryramps.com/products/motorcycle/carrier/hdxldolly.html dolly + 2 bikes or golfcart

a pic of above


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I would think tail swing of the trailer would be an issue, given the length of deck behind the pivot center of trailer axles, also, backing up would be difficult at best

Interesting idea though
Had occasion to do exactly that several years ago. While at Tellico, a rig broke the rear diff. Had driven to the trails so we pulled the broken rig up as far as we could on the trailer then got the front wheels of the other one up and just let the back sit on the road. Strapped everything down tight and rolled back to Greensboro. Don't know about legalities but a Highway Patrolman did pass us on the way back, didn't even glance our way. Seemed to work fine but we were careful and didn't go too fast. Just my experience.
I think huervas grandes would be requirement #1
i don't know that i'd go much bigger than the pic above, unless it was a "gotta get it home" type of thing.

i've seen a roll-back + a two car trailer + a tow dolly headed down the highway before... don't know that i'd do it, but i'm assuming its legal?
I've done this several times, to Tellico, Harlan and DPG. It sure feels like it's illeagal,but I called the highway patrol and asked tham about it. Here's what I was told, as long as the total combonation did not exceed 10k (both rigs and the trailer) you're ok. But I was also told if an officer thought for some reason it looked unsafe (1/2 ton truck etc...) they could ticket at their discretion. I used a dually and had light weight stuff on an pretty heavy duty trailer. We passed countless HP in several states and never got a second look. The trick was to unlock the steering wheel on the rig hanging off the trailer so it would track correctly around turns. I didn't notice any difference as far as how it towed, we were still running 5-10 over the speed limit the whole trip.
There may be a picture floating around somewhere of the first time we did this going to Tellico. A crew cad PSD dually, 20ft goose neck,with an XJ on the trailer and a CJ hanging off the back. Just a heads up, they won't valet park that set up at Cherokee casino.:huggy:
I would say if secured properly you could do it. I know in N.C. you are allowed to have dual trailers (with some rules of course). Do not exceed you max GVW, keep the heavier of the to in the middle (Iwould think), ensure good trailer brakes, and of course make certain you have lights at the tail of the last vehicle. I am interested in see what others think about it.

Edit: As for the pic above that looks to be the intended purpose of the trailer. Do not exceed it wieght limits. As for backing that thing up, I would think rather difficult considering backing a normal dolly and vehicle is hard.
After seeing the price of that why would anyone pay $4K for a dolly even with the dual cycle spots on the front. If you hualing what they are an 18-20 foot trailer would provide better weight distrobution and dual axle brakes. A stell deck 20 footer is around $3-$3.5K ( that is what I paid for mine anyway. I know I could get a jeep and two motorcycles on my 20 ft'er with room to spare. I can almost squeeze my Blazer and focus on there (2ft shy). Just a thought.