Looking for machine shop to cut some steel side panels for TJ


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2015
I'm starting a "TJ-6" project next week. Will mock up side from corrugated plastic board. Need steel cut to this. Someone close to winston pref. Idea of what im talking about

Photo by Michael McKinney

If you can mock it up in cardboard, just get a sheet of steel and trace the patten on it. A saw/cutoff wheel/torch will make quick work of it. Or if you know someone with a plasma
Pneumatic shears or pneumatic nibbler. For a big radius and straight cuts like that, either will work. Actually, nibbler because of the gas fill cutout. Pneumatic shears will work if that filler cutout is more than about 6 inches diameter. 3-ish inch radius is about the tightest you can cut with most shears normally depending on shear jaw length.
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^Thats NC4x4 style! Right on!
^Thats NC4x4 style!

I thought "NC4x4 style" was: Tear your junk down so that you can crawl over anything, then life happens and your junk gets left on jack stands for umteen years while you webwheel...WTH?!?
I thought "NC4x4 style" was: Tear your junk down so that you can crawl over anything, then life happens and your junk gets left on jack stands for umteen years while you webwheel...WTH?!?
You're on the right track, but you left out "buy lots of tools you don't need and justify them by starting projects that you'll never finish"