Looking Into Shops, Metal or Wood?


Mar 16, 2007
I'm looking into possibly building a shop behind my house in the future. My question is should I go the metal shop way or build out of wood since cost is a huge factor? I know the concrete pad would have to be 4 inches think from what I've heard by asking around so that'll be costly. My dad & father-in-law are both skilled carpenders:Rockon: so I'd have help if I'd go the wood built way but which would be cheaper? Any regrets or changes ya'll would make on the shops you've have built in the past?
My dad has a 30' x 40' metal building. The heavy snow really messed up the roof. It's all buckled up now. Plus, it's hard to do anything with the walls and ceiling on the inside if you wanna insulate. I think metal is faster and a little cheaper, byt we preffer wood. Just my opinion.......
A well done metal building is far superior, but a 4x6" pole barn is far cheaper. Neither will be "cheap" with a concrete floor and walls. Obviously their carpenTry skills won't help a whole lot with a metal building either unless one is an electrician.