Lost iPad Questions


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
My iPad has been missing for a few weeks now, I thought it would turn up but it hasn't. It was not password protected to open it so all my apps are pretty much a mirror of my phone right? I do not have banking or paypal on it but just my general info and phone apps.
What passwords will I need to change to protect my info?
I did not have "find my iphone" app on it so can't find it that way.
I think you can go into settings, then click your name at the top, on iPhone

Then scroll down, this shows your iTunes count permissions, then turn off permissions for that iPad.

That’s a good start.

From there it would be per app basis on changing stuff.

You can also try looking for it with a third party app. Like f@ceb00k. If you logged into it on the iPad, you can try going to settings and security to see if it’s still logged in via the iPad.

Some 3rd party apps like that activate location services.
Microsoft might be able to tell you where it is.
When my daughters Jeep was broken into the guy was caught when his girlfriend tried to log on to Netflix with my daughters tablet.
The ip address lead them right to the door.
Do you have google maps on it? Even other google apps? If so, I'm sure they know where it is, it's just a matter of finding out how to access that info.