Lots of interesting news today

Isn't it racist for the franchisees to say " Black franchisees to buy locations in Black neighborhoods. These locations tend to have higher insurance and security costs while bringing in less revenue." ?
No, thats just citing statistics....
I was rather disappointed to read this line, which clarified the intention

because for us morning shower-ers it seems like a great start for those 9am call-in-from-home meetings.

It does say before heading out. I'm gonna assume they meant to work in the morning.
It does say before heading out. I'm gonna assume they meant to work in the morning.
You know what.. .you're right! I was just focused on the end of the sentence. Excellent...
You can't day drink if you don't start in the morning.
I've often wondered if it's considered day (or morning) drinking if you actually started at night and just never stopped.
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Holly Springs halting people from openly carrying guns on town property :: WRAL.com

watch where you step in Holly Springs......
I'm sure Aaron Wolff was born and raised in Holly Springs and is voting for Donald Trump :shaking:

The traffic in HS is terrible and I would never,ever live in one of these subdivisions that are "Springing" up everywhere there these days.

Smart Development — Aaron Wolff for Holly Springs
"See also"
Portland mayor says he’ll move after protests at his condo :: WRAL.com