Love it!


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2005
Winston Salem
So last Sunday I'm driving the red 4runner to Wally World to get some groceries. Recently they opened a new road from Old Salisbury to Peter's Creek Pkwy that runs right by that great staple of American cheapness. Speed limit 35. I figured I'd try out the new road again as I'd taken it in the past and it seemed a bit faster to use that route. So I'm cruisin' down the road at what the speedo says is 40 to 42 or so. Come around the bend and Leo is sitting there clocking people. No biggy, I'm well withing the salutary neglect deal. I go by and blue lights come on right away. WTH? He says he clocked me at 49. OK, so the speedo is off further than I thought and I told him that. He is nice and reduces it to 44 and tells me I can probably get it reduced to improper equipment if I have a receipt that show I got my speedo calibrated. Fast forward to this week. I run down that same road to get a haircut and the speed limit is now 45. Love it!
I love the way it took so long to complete the road and it is only 2 lanes. Wait until Christmas, what a cluster that will be. You also live in my area of town.
Yea, I live off Ardmore close to Ebert.

On a side note, anyone have any issues with rigs not tripping the turn light? Sitting at Trade Mart the other day I got skipped twice waiting to turn left. (And this wasn't the only light I've had this problem at.) Since no one else showed up to trip the light I had to finally just turn right and go up and make a U turn.
Yea, I live off Ardmore close to Ebert.
On a side note, anyone have any issues with rigs not tripping the turn light? Sitting at Trade Mart the other day I got skipped twice waiting to turn left. (And this wasn't the only light I've had this problem at.) Since no one else showed up to trip the light I had to finally just turn right and go up and make a U turn.

I'm on the other side of town so I'm rarely in that area in mu Zook, but the lights on Akron over 52 usually skip me, and 66 (?) and Stanlyville Dr.

And here recently, several drive-thru's haven't seen me.

And as far as speed limits go .... how about the 45mph cluster on 52 from Akron to 40?

Is that where they are re doing the Liberty street exit? Been through there a couple of times and thought that it had to suck pretty bad during rush hour.
I'd go take pictures of the speed limit signs on that road and take them with you to court. bam. proof that the speed limit is 45 and the cop is a douche nozzle.
I'd go take pictures of the speed limit signs on that road and take them with you to court. bam. proof that the speed limit is 45 and the cop is a douche nozzle.

re-read the story. it was 35. he got pulled doin 49. the speed limit was changed to 45.

there was no douchebaggery being purpetrated here.

just a poorly calibrated speedo, and huge swing of luck.
Recently they opened a new road from Old Salisbury to Peter's Creek Pkwy that runs right by that great staple of American cheapness.

with all the new lights and traffic on peters creek now, ive found it more convenient to take old salisbury to hickory tree or on down hwy 150.

i work on the corner of Old Salisbury and Trademart, so im on that side of town quite a bit running service calls. lol, hell im on every side of town quite a bit!
Yea, I stay off Peter's Creek Pkwy as much as possible.

This is the second time this has happened to me, once in Cary after they had widened a road but not yet upped the speed limit until 2 days after I got a ticket. That was the case in which the DA told me "no one cares that you were speeding." Which was translated by me into. "We just want your money" I'll just have an RO made for re gearing the truck and take it to the DA.
re-read the story. it was 35. he got pulled doin 49. the speed limit was changed to 45.
there was no douchebaggery being purpetrated here.
just a poorly calibrated speedo, and huge swing of luck.

I know what the story said. just trying to be funny.
They should (IMO) dismiss it, but with the economy the way it is, and the state being broke, they'll make you pay some $$ one way or another, even if it's just taking the driving school and not having the speeding go on your driving record.
Those turn light sensors in the asphalt are operated when they sense a magnetic image of your truck. Small motorcycles and lifted trucks dont trip them sometimes.
Those turn light sensors in the asphalt are operated when they sense a magnetic image of your truck. Small motorcycles and lifted trucks dont trip them sometimes.
Also it helps not to cross the white line, stay back about 4 feet and see if that helps. In my 89 4runner it seemed o work better.
They should (IMO) dismiss it, but with the economy the way it is, and the state being broke, they'll make you pay some $$ one way or another, even if it's just taking the driving school and not having the speeding go on your driving record.
Oh absolutely they SHOULD dismiss it, but like you said, the state is broke. If I was willing to take it to court I could probably get it dismissed, but I'd have more $$tied up in lawyers than the ticket is worth. (And they know that). I'll just get it reduced to improper equipment so it's not a moving violation and move on with my life.
Also it helps not to cross the white line, stay back about 4 feet and see if that helps. In my 89 4runner it seemed o work better.
Yea, I've tried that but it doesn't seem to work here. I just don't have enough steel close enough to the ground. In Phoenix they have such a traffic problem they put the sensor a full car length back so there has to be 2 cars there to trip the light. I would just sit a car length back until someone came up behind me. Here I just have to wait till someone else comes along or turn right.