lower control arm shift!!!!


91 cherokee
Dec 5, 2012
so i was doing some wheeling today and i went to air up my tires a little ago and it looked like my control arms shifted. The uppers were ok and the adjuster at the rear of the control arm box that holds the arm in place from moving back and fourth was still in place and i didnt see any signs of movement in it,so i was wondering what could it be and what would my fix be and have any of you experienced this?

and yes im going to try to disconnect them tomorrow and see if the holes were wallowed out and let it move back and fourth.

I know on my rig, there are oblong shapes washers that lock the bolt into place. Wondering if it wasn't installed when they put the control arms on, I'll snap some pics in a few
actually to pull the arm back, you have to loosen the 2 bolts behind the LCA mount, so you can pull some shims out, then tighten the 2 bolts to move the LCA "stop" rearwards. This will then allow you to slide the LCA rearward.
The only thing that holds the LCA from sliding forward (like in the OP) is the clamp load of the nut/bolt. I'm not sure of the torque spec, but check the nut, see if its loose. I'd crank it down a little and not worry about it.