LS Motors in a Buggy


New Member
Jul 28, 2010
New Hampshire
I have been wondering what people have experienced or seen as failures when using the LS series of engines in buggies.
The old school Small Block or Big block With TBI or Propane is hard to beat. Only 12 volts needed to run on Pane and TBI is just about bullet proof.

I know the 5.3 and 6.0 are good engines the power curve of a Big block with the package of a small block. My only hesitation is all the electronics on them .They are all coil on plug The ecm controls everyting. Cam Crank Knock 2 O2 sensors TPS ect.. Not to mention if you get a Drive by Wire one. Has anyone been stranded or had to go for parts due to an electronic failure on these motors? Is anyone taking special precautions as far as Water proofing? Anyone pulling the intake and sealing up the Knock sensors?

I like the Simple stupid aspect of the Old school motors. but I like the power torque weight of the new stuff. Now a days you can get reliable 450 Hp from a cheap build of a BBC and for the same coin you can get a takeout 5.3 or 6.0 but is the complication of the 5.3 or 6.0 worth the extra work? I am evaluating my Motor Options and I am kind on the fence on what direction to take.
Oil pressure is a big issue with these motors when offroading. Get a Kevco, baffle, or accumulator (or a combination of them).

I'm sure there are some electronic issues but I haven't heard of a lot. Most I've seen have been bad ecms. Put the ecm in a dry place and you should be good. I haven't had any issues out of mine and the ecm is in the engine compartment of the buggy.

The 5.3/6.0 motors, believe it or not, are pretty simple. I was hesitant to put the 6.0 in my buggy fearing it would be complicated. It was very simple once I had the harness and ecm work done by Jim's. Plug and play! Couldn't be happier!

power to weight to cost to aftermarket support ratio, the 5.3/6.0 can't be beat
Ls motors

IMHO you cannot beat the power, reliability and price of the ls motors. The only downside i have dealt with is poor oiling(fixed by Trap door setup in oil pan) and small gremlins with sensors and now to add burns from tuners.. I still think it is worth the swap for the fuel injection performance over an old school motor any day..
One of the other things I am tossing around is if I go LS what spares do I carry? I want to start to go to some other place with the buggy like Moab, The rubicon, Some of the parks and AL and Down that way. With the Old school 454 I could carry A Complete Spare HEI, and Mechanical Fuel Pump and Carb and unless I had a major mechanical failure I could get it back to the trailer and or contunue to run it (Although not as well as with the EFI).

With the LS Motors I am seeing High Preasure Pumps. A bunch of sensors Coil packs Ecm, ... For those with LS motors what do you carry for spares and or have in the truck to get it back home or keep you going?
I carry some O2 sensors, mainly because I have them, and a fuel pump and filter. Everything else is pretty much off the shelf items except the ecm. Been running it since Feb without issue so I haven't built up a spare parts list for sensors, etc.

I do plan to pull some spare sensors next time I hit the junk yard or I will carry all my old sensors if I just decide to replace the ones I have for peace of mind.