I don't have much experience with these. I've shot them a few times, and I can break it down and put it back together, but that's it. I've never owned one. Are they a minute to sub minute gun? I haven't really considered one of these as a long range gun, but if it's a tight grouping gun I'd like to hear more myself.

Been looking at this one with the stainless barrel on slickguns.com for a few months.
I have been drooling and wanting one of these. I've shot a national match model and a socom 16" and both were super smooth. Like driving a Cadillac.

I really like the idea of the socom 16 but wound up doing the typical AR10 instead due to the price difference. Still wouldn't mind having that or the scout squad.
That socom 2 with all the rails on the other hand is about butt ugly. Ruins what is a beautiful, simple rifle.
View attachment 203756
Been looking at this one with the stainless barrel on slickguns.com for a few months.

Been looking at one of these myself. A lot of good parts, really just needs the action bedded and a decent 4x optic. 800m silhouette size targets would be easy.