Mad Mike's Bartertown...a bad idea?


Logan Can't See This
Jul 9, 2005
With your mom at a nice seafood dinner
A classified section, without the rules!!?? :eek:

What's the point? I always thought if you wanted to sell something you needed to get the most views. Having a members section limits that does it not?

Also, doesn't barter mean to trade essentially (goods for goods)? what are you guys trading for in there :confused:

here's my barter. I will barter a half put together 205 (pass drop) for some 2x6x16 boards.
1) get a red/orange star/diamond and you'll see there's some good stuff in there

2) get a red/orange star/diamond and support the board
The regular classified sections prohibit ebay ads, craigslist ads, group buys, deals found on other sites, and lots of other stuff. Bartertown gives everybody a place to post ads that aren't allowed in the normal sections. Want to post something w/o a price? Want to auction your junk to the highest bidder? Or you can post the cheap project rig you found on Craigslist, but don't have the time or money to buy.

The name is both a Mad Max reference and a reference to Yager, who came up with the idea.
Want to post something w/o a price? Want to auction your junk to the highest bidder? Or you can post the cheap project rig you found on Craigslist, but don't have the time or money to buy.

what about ads for adult services? :lol:
what about ads for adult services? :lol:

Dont for get the SLIGHTLY used sex doll hooked to the industrial vacuum. It's a real sweet deal! :bounce2:
Why? Are you trying to make some extra money?
1) get a red/orange star/diamond and you'll see there's some good stuff in there

2) get a red/orange star/diamond and support the board


I am not a huge poster here, but I did this exact thing. For the barter town and to support the board.
1) get a red/orange star/diamond and you'll see there's some good stuff in there

2) get a red/orange star/diamond and support the board

blah blah blah

The regular classified sections prohibit ebay ads, craigslist ads, group buys, deals found on other sites, and lots of other stuff. Bartertown gives everybody a place to post ads that aren't allowed in the normal sections. Want to post something w/o a price? Want to auction your junk to the highest bidder? Or you can post the cheap project rig you found on Craigslist, but don't have the time or money to buy.

The name is both a Mad Max reference and a reference to Yager, who came up with the idea.

I figured that's where it came from :flipoff2:

what about ads for adult services? :lol:

That's what I was really wondering :lol:
A classified section, without the rules!!?? :eek:
What's the point? I always thought if you wanted to sell something you needed to get the most views. Having a members section limits that does it not? ....
you thought wrong. There are times when you don't necessarily want the most views, just the right views :flipoff2:
If you want access to members areas then just pony up the 5 bucks and help support the board.

this always gets brought up and I always have to :lol: why? Because I buy shirts, hoodies and other stuff that I can get some use out of. In the last 6 months I've bought a t-shirt ($12) and a hoodie ($25?). So let's take a look at that. That's roughly 6.72 memberships I've purchased in order to support the board. so how about we stick to the topic at hand, mmkay?

my next question: is there a thunderdome in bartertown and who plays Tina?
this always gets brought up and I always have to :lol: why? Because I buy shirts, hoodies and other stuff that I can get some use out of. In the last 6 months I've bought a t-shirt ($12) and a hoodie ($25?). So let's take a look at that. That's roughly 6.72 memberships I've purchased in order to support the board. so how about we stick to the topic at hand, mmkay?
my next question: is there a thunderdome in bartertown and who plays Tina?

We can't talk about Tina or anything else inside Bartertown. We told you that already. Spend the $5 to find out. There may not be a Tina and you can fill the role. Who knows?

We can't talk about Tina or anything else inside Bartertown. We told you that already. Spend the $5 to find out. There may not be a Tina and you can fill the role. Who knows?

I don't have the legs for it :flipoff2:
If you dont like It dont go there. Stop trolling trying to start something cause your bored at home...

and what exactly am I trying to start? do tell.

nevermind, I'll answer it for you smart ass. I've seen it on the forum a few times when looking around the classifieds and was wondering what it was. It says private but for the garage it's been stated in the past that it is for boobies, political talk, etc. All I wanted to know was what was in there that made it private and what was the benefit.

It's like I almost was bringing it to everyone's attention that it's there and what it has to offer. Would that bring more support to your precious board old timer?

for my last insult to you, if you're still butt hurt over the the last thread I participated in get over yourself. no one forced you to read this or respond. Just because I'm having a little fun with the Mad Max theme doesn't mean I wasn't serious about finding out about it.

oh, I almost forgot the inslut. uradoosh :flipoff2:
sounds like you got Little but hurt its OK it will heel, One day you will grow up and your other nut will drop and then you will see name calling and all just shows how much of a troll you really are..
oh yall before I forget :flipoff2::shaking:

you realize you can't spell for shit, right? :lol: