Mastercraft vs Corbeau seats


Not a new member
Oct 22, 2005
I am in the market for new seats and a lot of folks are saying Mastercraft. However I can get two of the Ultra SS seat from Corbeau for the price of one Mastercraft. Does anyone have any experiences either? Is it worth the extra $500 for the Marstercrafts? How about any other manufacturer?
Thanks In advance :beer:
I don't personally see the big difference, and I've sat in both. The MC's look a little 'sturdier', but not THAT much better.
yea its pretty dumb to spend the $ on MC when corbeaus are essentially the same thing

unless you need the bling factor of the name on the mastercrafts

which is dumb
I have PRP extra tall and extra wide and I could sleep in them they are so comfy!

(dont mind my boy.. chemo and steriods)

I got them from a vendor on at a really good price... $215 ea. I believe.