Medical Info Tag


messin' with sasquatch
Mar 1, 2007
Wilton & Albemarle, NC
Thought this was a clever idea...(stolen from a family friend & modified):
A husband & wife that we ride motorcycles with originally told me that him and his wife keep USB thumb-drives on their motorcycle key rings with 'ICE' (In Case of Emergency) written on them. On them they have medical info, emergency contacts, allergies, etc. I thought it was a cool idea, but never did anything with it. Well we just re-upped on CPR/AED training at work and the instructor told us about a company that sells them with a file that has an autorun feature to immediately open when plugged into a computer. That's all great, but I figure more often than not the first person on scene may not have a computer handy (unless its EMS). Since I just rescued a lab mix, I was in PetCo making a name tag for him with my number and got the idea to make a tag for myself. Figured I'd pass the info along in case anybody was interested.



Has my first name (limited to 14 characters, so I couldn't add my last name), contact number, blood type, organ donor & NKDA (No Known Drug Allergies). On the back has emergency contacts if I'm in an accident. For $12, I figured it couldn't hurt and adds a little peace of mind.
On a related note, on your cell phone lockout screen you can usually have a message. This is a good place to put "If found call XX, in case of emergency call YY)".
My brother uses this when he is on his bike:
I like this idea, wish I would've known about it before I made mine!

On a related note, on your cell phone lockout screen you can usually have a message. This is a good place to put "If found call XX, in case of emergency call YY)".
My smart phone has 2 buttons on the lockout screen for emergency contacts & emergency dialer...just looked and I guess I need to set-up my emergency contact list.