Megabots battle tonight!


You look like a monkey and smell like one too
May 18, 2005
Churchville, MD
Wow no replies? You guys surprise me.
Figured with the combo of pro and rednieck engineering here this would be popular

direct link
that preview video they had was pretty lame. As soon as I saw there was someone inside the robot, I knew it couldnt be too dangerous. Was hoping for a mega size battle bots.
Yep. Was disappointed in the buildup/lead-in video. As a tech geek and robotics team coach, I was hoping for a lot more tech info on the actual process. But I guess that would be boring to the average joe (but it's a show about robots on Twitch, clearly the target audience is nerds?)

In one of the follow up interviews w/ the USA pilots, they talked about how much it changed the potential weaponry/destruction b/c there was a real person inside. They were like, "We really wanted to include a giant flamethrower or a grinder or a giant electrical shock or... but we didn't want to actually hurt or kill the guy. So that really limited what we can do for offense."
I was surprised at how little padding/roll protection they had.

It could definitely be way cooler if it were giant remote-controlled robots instead of "mech" style vehicles.
Sorry ....but I could ram two rc trucks together and get more excitement. Looked like something from the 70's but maybe this is like pong was before pac man...