Merry Christmas!


One day at a time...
Jun 12, 2007
Cabarrus County (Rimertown)
Looks like I might have the honor of starting the Merry Christmas thread this year.....

My wife and I just got home from Church, and Christmas Worship Services. Our family members will start arriving in about an hour and the Christmas Celebration at our home will begin. With that being said, from me and my family to all of you and yours... MERRY CHRISTMAS! :bounce::bounce2:

Just kidding. Merry Christmas to you too!
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Merry Christmas to you and yours as well. About to kick off here. 4pm church service. It’s become tradition to do Chinese food with my side of the family at 530 Christmas Eve. Back to my folks to do the presents thing. Wake up tomorrow morning, presents for my daughter. Then over to the in laws for brunch and presents. Then lunch with the wife’s extended family. Then off to my best friends folk’s house for a couple hours.
Merry Christmas to you as well Don! Hope you and Darlene are doing well Sir.
Merry Christmas

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