Mild Trails for beginner?


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Fuquay-Varina, NC

I'm looking for some place in Wake County or surrounding areas to take my son and his first Jeep trail ridding? I'm looking for trails only, no mud or rack crawling. He has a 3.5" lifted Cherokee with 31" Maxxis Murdders.

Check out this link here:

As mentioned, unless you know or can find somebody w/ private land that you have permission to ride on, the closest locale for you is the Uwharrie National Forest (see link above).
That Jeep can handle pretty much anything there, however as a new wheeler there are some places you'll want to avoid (or at least have some experienced folks with you)..
Uwharrie is the closest to you unless you can find some private land to wheel on. there are easy trails in URE like Falls Dam, or Wolfs Den.

(joke)It's gonna be hard to find a trail or dirt road that doesn't have mud or rocks in/on them. except on a paved road maybe(joke)

look for some guys goint to URE and tell them what you want to do and they might guide you. PM me if you would like to go sometime other than Memoral Day weekend. I will guide you thru the easy stuff... then once ya'll build your confidence we can go to the other trails and try the harder stuff!
My brother did ALL of Uwharrie (using the bypasses as needed) in a stock XJ. Skid plates are nice, but your lift is sufficient for most trails there. Go with a club or get a group together (the buddy system). We WISH there was something in Raleigh.

I was hopping for some place closer (gas price) but this may work.

I was hopping for some place closer (gas price) but this may work.

If youre worried about gas prices, find a new hobby. The more you mod the heep, odds are the worse its milage will be. Add to that the fact that a more capable heep will lead to harder trails, which are farther way, and combine that with rising fuel costs, you should just stop while youre ahead. Otherwise, Ill be headed to Uwharrie sometime in June, youre more than welcome to come along.

No, the long-haired one did that on Fall's Dam. If you haven't been this year, that one spot has gotten pretty washed-out, and it's kinda tricky in a stock or semi-stock vehicle! I was suprised at how bad it had gotten. Lots of the trails got easier this year, Fall's wasn't one of them. It's downright nasty when it's muddy.
Yeah, it's washed out pretty bad there. Took a friend around there in his new F-one fiddy, and he managed to get stuck there as well.
Yeah - and notice what he chose to do. What a buddy.

Hey, plenty of help showed up before I could turn off the camera. I was ready to drop it, though! ;)

Honestly, I was thinking to myself "If he flops and I miss it, I'll be mad at myself, and Dave'll be upset after he gets over the damage!" :D
uhwarrie isn't bad, i drove amostly stock '86 toyota pick up on 31 bfgmt and a detroit in the rear and only broke a tailight lense and pullud some paint off the bumper, this was last summer.
Wheeled ure in a stock s10 blazer with 31-10.5 rears welded. Lots of fun, blazer didn't think so though....
One of the guys in our club wheels all of URE in a stock 1950 Willis. I have wheeled all of URE in a stock Wrangler and we even had a guy wheel with us in a bone stock Chevy pickup (s-10 flavor) back in September. Although, if it is raining all bets are off. It can be nasty, for a newbie especially.