modifying corn feeder


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2005
I want to put up some feeders at my farm, but the large capacity ones are just too $$$. However I need to put in at least 100# of corn just because I don't go down to the farm that often during the off season. So- being cheap like I am, Im thinking about taking a hanging 6.5 gallon metal corn feeder - cutting it across the circumference in the middle, and patching in about 24" of thin steel. Then sealing it and riveting all of it back together. Then I would have to rig up the hanging device to hold the extra weight, but what else would be needed? Will this affect the feeding? I have thought about a 55 gal drum conversions, but thats too massive- a poacher would see that a mile away. I can hide a skinny tall one much easier.

I like the 6.5 gallon ones at Gander right now- they have a good review and they are metal all around and the lid seals well. otherwise my bagillion squirrels will chew right through it. oh, and I know about making a frame underneath to keep it from squishing the slinger when I lower it to load it. what else is there to consider? has anyone seen someone accomplish this- Id love to know the issues of tall and skinny or going with more weight that a slinger is designed for.
Food plot?? Or some tall, camoflaged 4, 6 or 8" pvc pipe feeders you attach to treetrunks like this or similar........ L .......I could'nt post the pics but you can google PVC deer feeders for ideas
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