MOTD (Meme of the Day)

There was a guy live below me at Cawood who used to ride his horse and get drunk. He has been arrested and charged with dui several times while riding his horse. He would buy a case of beer for himself and 2 half pints for his horse they both would get drunk and around 3 am you would hear the horse clopping down the road with him stretched across the saddle it would take him to his house and dump him in the yard and then it would go to the barn on it own. he done that for several years. Also had a old man that live by me that has got arrested for dui on a bicycle several time's.
When your like five and break into the pantry to eat an entire bottle along with those fluoride pills you overly paranoid mother feeds you the special syrup comes out.
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I was that kid….not the fluoride but an entire bottle of Flintstones!! If it wasn’t for the iron supplement in the Flintstones, I’d have gotten off with a tasty treat! Instead, ER pumped my stomach that night!