MOTD (Meme of the Day)


Cloud seeding (chemtrails), weather modifications, HAARP - these are not conspiracy and are even on cspan from time to time.
Whether this hurricane was manipulated or not - can only speculate.
Are there questions that should be asked? Yes
Whether or not it was man manipulated has nothing to do with Dem vs Reb.... There is no "side". If destructive forces are being manipulated its not going to be a "pentagon office, room 212A"... Its going to be something that is being performed by the highest levels of world elites, and tools such as HAARP that could be used, would more than likely be done so without anyones knowledge.
If youve been involved in special operations, upper level government or DOD, hell even military - you would be amazed how common it is that the left hand has ZERO awareness of the right hand.