MOTD (Meme of the Day)

Am I crazy or has the tread pattern changed? The really long lugs now have a diagonal cut going through them?
Wasn't that part of what made them so bad?
We were wheeling once down on a buddy of mines property and a guy shows up "friend of a friend who heard there may be rigs out there today" in a clean street yota on like 35ish thornbirds. I had heard the, they are the king douche dont trust the thornbird guys, those guys may not suck one but they will hold ot in thier mouth and hum rumors. Well me being the trusting, light hearted, nice looking, clean cut gentleman that I am I decided to give this young man a chance. Well no not really, see I flopped my sammi kind of beside a gravel drive down in a ravine sorta. I needed a tug on the top to sit her back right and thornbird was up in the drive watching. He says hey man i will "pull that little piece of shit, it cant weigh nuthin", first sign but floppers cant be chosers sooo. I said toss me a strap down "aint got no strap, got thornbirds yo, don't need one with them" second sign... Here is my strap man, i just shackled my end to the roll bar and tossed the other end up. "What I posed to hooK it to aint nufin back here". Well damn you have a reese hitch. "No reciever mane" here take my hook and pin. He gives me a little too excessive of a tug and rights my little turtle and i am ready to proceed. I just unloop my shackle and put the pin back in and tell him the rest of the group was already up behind the house in the field where this trail came out, I will meet you up there and get my gear. Never seen that guy again. Therefore all intentional thornturd owners are Douches!!

Oh and a random pic b/c i dont have a meme that didn't come frome here sooo.
All I'm saying is that with that design change, there is the slight chance the tires don't suck as bad.
B ut I'm still not sure I'd want to run them just b/c of the douche association.