MOTD (Meme of the Day)


that makes me hongry for some bush's
while your at it, it's time to change the air in your tires. Got to get out the summer air and replace with the winter air

Speaking of that, it always makes me think of this push to fill tires with nitrogen. I understand that maybe its more temp stable, but unless you can pull the vacuum out of the tires first, is it really accomplishing anything? Other than another way for the station to make a buck?
Speaking of that, it always makes me think of this push to fill tires with nitrogen. I understand that maybe its more temp stable, but unless you can pull the vacuum out of the tires first, is it really accomplishing anything? Other than another way for the station to make a buck?
Always wondered the same.....

The air we breathe:
Speaking of that, it always makes me think of this push to fill tires with nitrogen. I understand that maybe its more temp stable, but unless you can pull the vacuum out of the tires first, is it really accomplishing anything? Other than another way for the station to make a buck?
If the purpose is to preserve the rubber...what about the fact that 50% of the tire (outside) surface is still exposed to 02 and other stuff.
Speaking of that, it always makes me think of this push to fill tires with nitrogen. I understand that maybe its more temp stable, but unless you can pull the vacuum out of the tires first, is it really accomplishing anything? Other than another way for the station to make a buck?

If it made a difference, race teams would do it.
They don't. The difference in temp stability isn't even enough to make it worth it. ( because it's not that much more stable because of the air already in the tire)
I'm assuming they are referring to the two vigilantes (Huber and Grosskruetz) who had no idea what was going on and decided to charge in and assault an innocent man (Rittenhouse) who was defending himself against a certified lunatic (Rosenbaum) that had chased him down and threatened to kill him..

At least that's the only way that statement makes any sense.
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If it made a difference, race teams would do it.
They don't. The difference in temp stability isn't even enough to make it worth it. ( because it's not that much more stable because of the air already in the tire)