MOTD (Meme of the Day)

Do you think there are people that sit there and say “oh, thank heavens, the govt says we can all gather for thanksgiving if we’re vaccinated.”
Yes, sadly I have some in my family. They would sit a table of fully vaxed people with masks on and Lysol the damn turkey. They don’t come to many family functions currently due to the rest of us not giving a shit. They are far left holy rollers, the rest of us, well…
It's nice not having my mother-in-law around for the holidays, she's had the shot so has everyone in my house, didn't tell her.
My MIL sits permanently on my SIL's shelf. In a plastic box because she scrapped the brass urn for drug money. Not joking. Best we ever got along and SIL is what youd expect
It's ok, it's almost Christmas. I'm sure Santa will bring you some new ones.

This year its socks, odd year number I guess!