MOTD (Meme of the Day)


I have two tests that people always think are ridiculously dumb. 1) warehouse employees I have randomly count something 2) maintenance folks I give a caliper test, measuring ID/OD of a handful of things. As simple/dumb as this sounds…on average there’s about a 20% pass rate.
Care to elaborate? Want to learn something new.
Old tractors had the pto ran directly through the transmission. Pushing the clutch would kill pto power. If you were running something like a bush hog, and needed to stop the tractor, you would push in the clutch but the tractor would continue until the bush hog stopped rotating. No matter how much you stood on the brake it would be several feet until you came to a stop.

Over riding couplings would fix this. The coupling slipped over the tractor pto shaft and the driveshaft would mate to the coupling. It was basically a one way ratchet. Allowed the tractor to drive the implement, but would disengage when the implement momentum wanted to push the tractor.
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Old tractors had the pto ran directly through the transmission. Pushing the clutch would kill pto power. If you were running something like a bush hog, and needed to stop the tractor, you would push in the clutch but the tractor would continue until the bush hog stopped rotating. No matter how much you stood on the brake it would be several feet until you came to a stop.

Over riding couplings would fix this. The coupling slipped over the tractor pto shaft and the driveshaft would mate to the coupling. It was basically a one way ratchet. Allowed the tractor to drive the implement, but would disengage when the implement momentum wanted to push the tractor.
Brought back memories of a previous life nearly taking out a few strands of barbed wire fencing. Good thing it's got a little stretch. :laughing:
Insert - thats worth more than a 4runner due to lumber prices joke.
The crazy thing is, that's maybe or maybe not true.

I don't get it
What website is that from?
Hagerty. They have a great historical pricing tool, if you're a member you get tons of data.
Both my POS Toys are insured through them.
And apparently need to have the payout increased.