MOTD (Meme of the Day)

not a meme, just interesting
I always feel bad every time I have to run the damn card a second time to fill up. Someone will pull up behind me and I want to walk over and tell them they might want to pull behind someone else cause this is gonna take a while!

I love it watching them get ready to pull up. I have been buying diesel at Sam's in Johnson City. The only pumps that have diesel will always have a line of cars that could have gone anywhere else at the station. The other day I ended up having to swipe 3 times to fill up the truck and the 60 gallon transfer tank. It sucks buying it all at once, but the transfer tank is nice when we are heading down the interstate and fuel is 75 cents to a dollar more at the truck stops.
I always feel bad every time I have to run the damn card a second time to fill up. Someone will pull up behind me and I want to walk over and tell them they might want to pull behind someone else cause this is gonna take a while!

I pulled up to the local gas station this morning to see a guy filling up his 250 gallon tank.....I almost got sick for him when I noticed it roll over $999.