MOTD (Meme of the Day)

Instructions to make a man happy:
1 - sex
2 - beer
3 - go away
Instructions to make a man happy:
1 - sex
2 - beer
3 - go away
So, one of those stupid virtue signaling, made up, bull shit days passed recently. International Men’s day which was shortly behind International Women’s Day.

Every Thursday morning I wake up to have a video call with my Global Managers team. The women on the call bring up international men’s day and ask what we are doing at my facility to celebrate it. I said “Nothing”. And was met with shock and awe. A Pakistani guy that works out of the UK said “We should celebrate it by just leaving us alone” 😂😂😂😂😂😂 I fucking lost it along with all of the other guys.

I mean...I'd wear a tacti-t-swizzle shirt in a heartbeat...

I mean...I'd wear a tacti-t-swizzle shirt in a heartbeat...

It looks like his kid taped a printed picture on his back. What movie is that girl from?