
Grumpy, decrepit Old Man
Mar 20, 2005
Morganton NC
If you were to find yourself in posession of, oh say 3 cases of these, what would you do with them? I was thinking of stowing a few in the Heep in case of emergencys. Any one interested?
You ride trails James?

I've never tried them, never carried them. Must be a Navy thing.
They're good if you get diahharea (sp).. Seriously. They will help. Especially the cookie/brownies.
upnover said:
If you were to find yourself in posession of, oh say 3 cases of these, what would you do with them? I was thinking of stowing a few in the Heep in case of emergencys. Any one interested?

I try to keep at least 3-4 cases of them around all the time.
They are good camp food or trail food plus I keep them in the tool boxes of all my rigs and the wifes car.
Back when Fran hit and the past lce storm this year they turned out to be good to have.
You need to rotate them and keep getting new.
The new stuff is a lot better then the old ones.
DO Not eat any of the old dark brown ones they are 15 years old and no good. The clear ones are for public sale and tan are military ones.
If you get them by the case they will have a date on them and maybe repack date or inspect date to go by.
I hear all the stuff people talk about them and have a few friends in the military that eat them on the trail to with no problems. Maybe if you don't have enough water intake then you may get pluged but this ace has not!!!!!!! I think I could process anything food related. Like anything it is what you make of it. I make poo out of them. :lol:
Even the old ones are not bad.

What would an Air Force guy know about anything other than catered meals delivered to their hotel room? :flipoff2:
1200 calories. :eek: I got a box the last time I hunted at Ft. Stewart. Got heaters with mine. Only used them once. I should not have eaten the tex-mex bean medley. :eek: :(
They are the Brown ones, They do have "heaters" Inspec 12-07, I guess that is 2007
ANd yeah, I heard you can make gadgets out of them...............Boom
i am not in the military and was wondering where civilians could purchase MRE or "Sea Rashes" as my uncle in the Navy calls them, he just lives 2 far away for shipping to be worth while. so anywhere in eastern NC??