Music/Video Warehousing> Playlists> Streaming?

Caver Dave

Just holdin' it down here in BFV
Mar 10, 2005
Hooterville (24171)
Yes, I know is somewhat archaic these days given the large quantity of online sources (Pandora, Spotify, etc), but I just came into a fairly burly desktop and thought I'd purpose it...

I have about 100GB of music and a 100-ish movies that I'd like to warehouse at home. From there, I'd like to be able to browse the lists, choose a genre/artist, and finally be able to play that content from mobile, PC, or WiFi connected TV...

Am I dreaming, or is there such a server-based package available?
Honestly. iTunes will give you the organizing, browsing and playing software you're looking for. I'm not so certain on the remote connection aspect you're looking for. I figure that to be more of the OS.

I'd like to do the same thing, but lack the tower/desktop to accommodate.
Itunes with airplay maybe?

I use that to stream to 2 different receivers in my house to play my library in different parts of the house and outside.