upnover Grumpy, decrepit Old Man Moderator Joined Mar 20, 2005 Location Morganton NC Nov 11, 2016 #1 My Grandfather, who I was names after, and a letter he received from King George V in 1918 Thanks to all our Veterans!
My Grandfather, who I was names after, and a letter he received from King George V in 1918 Thanks to all our Veterans!
CAROLINA ROCKRUNNER Well-Known Member Joined Aug 10, 2009 Location BFE Nov 11, 2016 #2 That's awesome
RatLabGuy You look like a monkey and smell like one too Joined May 18, 2005 Location Churchville, MD Nov 12, 2016 #3 Very cool. Thanks to him and all the brave men of the armed forces.
ord.sgt.26NC Gott mit uns! Joined Mar 23, 2005 Location Goldsboro Nov 13, 2016 #4 this is probably the type of rifle he carried into battle. U.S. .30 caliber, model of 1917....and a mighty fine piece of weaponry they had too. Attachments IMG_0640.JPG 253.6 KB · Views: 157
this is probably the type of rifle he carried into battle. U.S. .30 caliber, model of 1917....and a mighty fine piece of weaponry they had too.
ghost Well-Known Member Joined May 25, 2006 Location Hartsville/Camden,SC Nov 14, 2016 #5 That is really cool. My grandfather was in WWI in the Rainbow division. I have his uniform. I know there are letters he sent to my grandmother but IDK who has them now.
That is really cool. My grandfather was in WWI in the Rainbow division. I have his uniform. I know there are letters he sent to my grandmother but IDK who has them now.