My new go-faster buggy

It runs! Hoping to be in windrock in 2 weeks....
Pics or id didn't happen.....
Back from 4skins NCRockrods. J Runs and will be ready to drive once i get some hydro hoses made/tighten bolts/misc junk. Snappy...come make me some hoses!




Why do you have a fish finder in your console? :bling:
Forgot your true colors.

Shouldnt you be building some tie rods or pulling a motor out? :flipoff2:

Thanks for the compliments guys. Had alot of hands on this thing to get it done and im excited about the possibilities. Couple things to note

- the cooling system is AWESOME. Stay very cool and fan is NOT loud at all and inside is very bareable. I hardly had to bleed the system and although i was nervous, we didnt have any air bubbles to deal with and NO leaks.

- the buggy already feels better at speed than my previous setup. I cant wait to get everything buttoned up and really see what its capable of.

- I need better brakes....
What spring rates did you end up with?

Alex, 150/200 in the front, 200/250 in the rear. Rear needed heavier springs to account for mounting it further up the trailing arm.

Thanks for the 1.5" DOM. We need to settle up on that. Look forward to seeing you guys soon!

Define "at speed."

only 45-50 mph so far. Like i said...still needs brakes.