My new truck dog


Rarely serious.
Dec 29, 2010
Since we were having some behavior problems with Abbi the Great Pyrenees we gave her away to someone with time to deal with her properly. She had gotten a bit aggressive for some reason and with a baby on the way I didn't think it was wise to keep her. It was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I was determined no to get another dog for a long time.

However, my wife wanted to go to PetSmart today to get some dog treats and they were having an adoption day. Usually I look at the dogs, tell my wife no, and go on, but there was one girl who just latched on to me. She is a beautiful boxer mix. I talked the gal down to about half of her adoption fee and brought the dog home. She loved riding in the truck on the way home. She seems very smart and gentle. She didn't even bother the cats.

She and the wife's dog did the usual sniffing and growling then went nuts playing in the house. Right now she is under my desk chewing on a bone. She is a bit bigger than what I wanted for a truck dog but I think she will work out well.

She is not a fan of having her picture taken though. (forgive the mess in the closet. As soon as the storage building is cleaned out I am putting bookshelves in there and the curtains are going in the burn pile)
So here is Carmel


In the words of the Nissan guy. Dogs, Love, trucks! Good looking pooch!
Boxers are fun! From what I understand, they were basically bred to be family dogs.

There's one at the dog park here in Boone who ignores all other dogs, just eats rocks the whole time.

Congrats! Gotta ask though, what were the behavior problems with the Great Pyrn? I almost got one myself, but he was adopted by the time I got to the shelter.
Congrats on your new addition! Boxers are fun dogs - ours was almost 9 when we lost her to cancer several years ago.

Sorry you had aggression issues with the Pyr - we recently (April of this yr) adopted Bonnie from the Carolinas Great Pyrenees Rescue in Winston Salem. She is a super gentle, love everybody kind of dog. Wife takes her everywhere, crowded places too, and she has never met anybody she didn't like. But, they are too big to risk aggressive tendancies with - its one thing to have an ankle biter, but 100 lbs or so of canine aggression is another. Thats a good thing about getting from a rescue, they are already temperament tested in different situations. Again, congrats - looks like you have a new best friend!
Abbi got attacked by something one night and afterward she decided that eh neighbors dog was a chew toy. She needed to be out somewhere that had lots of land and things to chase.

Ah yeah, understand that. One of my friends has a St. Bernard and if he ever got aggressive it'd be pretty scary.

My dog looks pretty intimidating when she barks or sees something she doesnt like, she'll show teeth and her bark is pretty intense for her size, but shes a big baby. Loves everyone.
from your words, and the look in her eyes...sounds like you two are already in love. congrats.