My New Years Eve

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Good thing they couldn't back out or you probably would have just found skids and a busted wall. Is the jeep ok? Looks like they had to be going pretty fast to make it that far.





on the plus side... I think I found the two spark plugs you were looking for ^
holy cow talk about a bad night... somebody will go to jail over that, lol
Cops had it towed. Was really beat up.

Who beat it up? You?

I would Have beat the shit out of it and then some. Bet they had no DL and drunk and no Insurance?
What did the cops say They going to go after them? When they checked the tags and vin, they say anything?
holy cow talk about a bad night... somebody will go to jail over that, lol
If the cops catch them. The officer said that since they abandoned the car, they probably went home and reported it stolen.
Sure did. And this is the second time this has happened since we bought the house.

I once had a friend who's mailbox was liek a magnet for this, just happened to be in the right spont in a bend in teh road. Not a little windy road, Maynard Rd. in Cary (before it was 5 lanes, 1/3 mi S of the H.S).
His mailbox got ran over 4 times... each time, rebuilt it a little bigger and stronger, from wood to steel to big and brick.

After the last once, they built a huge steel frame, and encased it in brick so it was like a small house for the mailbox, lol.
Got every penny in value back in entertainment when Bozo #5 came and destroyed a car on it.
Yeah... then the Towne of cary took widened the road and took out his mailbox permanently...
My uncles mailbox was like that... he replaced it monthly until V5.0 came along! He used a chunk of 14"dia. x 1"wall tube ("regulation USPS" mailbox went inside :D) and was mounted on a chunk of i-beam sunk in the ground as deep as his PTO postholer would go...

Said he left on morning and found the remnants of a baseball bat laying in the driveway! You can imagine how good that musta felt! :lol:

The next "victim" was the mailman... came in a little too hot and can opened the side of his LH drive XJ...

It was finally taken out by a loaded log truck that got into the ditch well above the posted speed and flopped...

That's when he got a PO box in Sparta!
If you do that to the mail boxes make sure that they are not in the state Right of Way. You put something on the state R/W that someone hits and would get hurt it will come back on you. Code is that it must be brake away or out of R/W or you need to get permits and then we put guardrail and charge you for the guardrail. Good thing is some old smaller roads the R/W is only a few feet past the road if they have not done any work in the past 15 or so years to it. All the new stuff we try to get the ditch or to the back of the ditch in R/W for this reason to keep it clear of walls, trees, and stuff that could be a hazard...
In rocky mount my grandfather had a nice large brick mail box built along with his new house, after much fight, the city of rocky mount made him remove it because it was a hazzard to traffic. The police said if someone ran off the road and hit it, they could really get hurt.

and this is a back neighborhood road.. Kinda sucks if you ask me