rodney eppes

Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
Mt.Holly NC 28120
Zipper on drivers door window, has crapped out. Took door skin[CJ-7] to Austin Canvas, in Charlotte. They no longer replace zippers. Tarheel 4 Wh.Dr. recommended a place, went there, guy couldn't fix it, & wanted way too much, to sew in a new one. Checking with Bestop to see if they sell just 1 door skin. ANYONE know where I might get a new zipper installed, in the Charlotte/Gastonia area? THANKS:bounce2:
Good luck. I called 4wd Hardware probably about 15 years ago for one door skin, drive's side upper. They told me Besttop "just" stopped allowing them to order pieces like this, but he'd see what he could do. I was in luck, they hooked me up for like $50 or so, still might be worth a call.
Bestop did get back to me, & they will sell me a door skin "direct". Guess, if it parts, they dont run thru a dealer. Its " special order ", app.$90, + 4-6 wk. del. Million Miles, is checking on something, & I will be contacting canvas shops tomorrow.