name of bolts/tool to remove them on AIS housing, 4.0TB


New Member
Jul 20, 2007
Claremont, NC
What is the name of the bolts that are on the AIS housing on a 4.0 trottle body? They look like stars, but they have a little nub that sticks up in the middle. Also, does anyone know of a tool to remove them? I'm talking about the ones on the actual AIS housing, the metal part, not on the motor. Let me know. I've had my 62MM TB sitting for months, and I'm finally getting the Jeep on-road and would like that few horsepower.
Should be a tamper rest. torx plus. If it's 5 points on the star it's a tamper rest. torx plus, if 6 points then it's a tamper res torx