name that sign


You look like a monkey and smell like one too
May 18, 2005
Churchville, MD
Anybody know where this sign is from?
Found this pic in a bunch of old stuff today.
Guessing in the western nc area.

(Oh, yeah, for you young folks. There was a time when camera pictures came in a phtsical format you could hold. It was kind of glossy.)
Sweet. Yep I could totally believe stone mountain. In fact we have a b&w pic in our living room of a tree from there. I remember the trip. I'm guessing that pic is ca. 2002 or so.
Stone Mountain. Haven't been.


I don't know when that sign was painted, but I absolutely love the font.

Leafy is a similar font, but that sign was definitely hand painted - most likely by a pro. The A's are very distinctive and while the E's are all in the same style, the bar thickness in the E's and F's is not 100% consistent the way they would be if it was a computer font. Typography is a bit of a hobby of mine.