Nap time

Jeff B

Thanos was right
Dec 23, 2006
Lincolnton N.C.
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Nap time used to also be nookie time at our house! I miss those days now that my boy is 4 yrs old and no longer takes a nap. :(
Rob, try this. I buy it at CVS. It works well for me, and does not leave me too groggy when I wake up. I use it a couple of times a week on average. Sometimes I use it on nights when I am super tired and know I need a solid uninterrupted night of sleep. Other times I use it when I am too wired to fall asleep and know I will pay for it the next day if I don't fall asleep soon.

Lol doc tried to give me ambien one time.... ThAts a big f'n NO!! I take melatonin on occasion but only when I absolutely have to. I've tried all sorts of teas. None seeme to really work. Just an issue that I have to deal with. Sleep studies just show mild insomnia, but the Rx stuff is just too much. Comatose..... I wanna be able to wake up if there's an emergency...
You people should try sex. I seem to go right out afterwards.
This. The thrusting action is great for building rock hard abs and thighs! Sleep great afterwards. Win.