NC General Statutes (from PoPo)

NCGS 14-134.2 no person shall operate a motor vehicle/ATV upon a utility easement without written permission.

I believe this is incorrect....

It actually reads thus :

§ 14-134.2. If any person, without permission, shall ride, drive or operate a minibike, motorbike, motorcycle, jeep, dune buggy, automobile, truck or any other motor vehicle, other than a motorized all terrain vehicle as defined in G.S. 14-159.3, upon a utility easement upon which the owner or holder of the easement or agent of the owner or holder of the easement has posted on the easement a "no trespassing" sign or has otherwise given oral or written notice to the person not to so ride, drive or operate such a vehicle upon the said easement, he shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor, provided, however, neither the owner of the property nor the holder NC General Statutes - Chapter 14 Article 22 4 of the easement or their agents, employees, guests, invitees or permittees shall be guilty of a violation under this section.

The way I read that is that it's legal as long as it's not posted otherwise. If it is posted then you need written permission.
very informative thread, glad I came across it. I have a specific question that comes up a lot down here. In SC, trailer tags are not required on trailers that are less than 5000lbs(I thinks its 5000, might be a bit less), its a bit questionable as to if that weight includes cargo(specific questions to boat trailers), but that's a whole other thread. Back to the original question, if towing in NC, with an SC tow vehicle and an SC trailer, I assume its legal to tow with out a tag as long as its in the legal SC requirements(first question) The problem we run into is most trailers down here don't have titles(second question), if we sell a buy or sell a trailer down here, there's never a title exchanged, if its sold to an NC owner, he doesn't have anything but a bill of sale to carry to the DMV, I've run into this before having sold a boat to a guy in NC, he had to have me supply him with a notarized bill of sale from me, and the guy I bought it from. Its not required to have it notarized in SC, so I had to go back, find the guy I bought it from, get him to give me a bill of sale, get a notary to notarize it, get another bill of sale from me to the new owner, get it notarized and get it to the new owner. Ends up being a major pita, no wonder most people in NC have one tag for all their trailers. Whats the best way to address this?

Oh, and just to rub it in to all ya'll in NC( I was born in Raleigh, lived there for 38 years), we don't have inspections down here either.
I'm really confused with the tint laws, and I want to make my rides legal before I move there.

My 2005 silverado crew cab 4x4; I would like the front doors 35%, the rear doors and window 5% and nothing on the windshield. I haven't had this done
my 2008 vw rabbit 2 door has the front doors at 35%, all rear windows at 5% and nothing on the windshield. legal?
my 1987 jeep cherokee 2 door has the front doors at 35%, all rear windows at 20% and nothing on the windshield. legal?
I'm really confused with the tint laws, and I want to make my rides legal before I move there.

My 2005 silverado crew cab 4x4; I would like the front doors 35%, the rear doors and window 5% and nothing on the windshield. I haven't had this done
my 2008 vw rabbit 2 door has the front doors at 35%, all rear windows at 5% and nothing on the windshield. legal?
my 1987 jeep cherokee 2 door has the front doors at 35%, all rear windows at 20% and nothing on the windshield. legal?
Cherokee and truck can be as dark as you like on the rear, rabbit only 35% on rear. Ive got a guy who rents from me who does a great job, only uses llumar if you need some tint work done.

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Got a ticket after I crossed into VA from TN for not having a front bumper where as TN has no inspections. (1992'ish).
very informative thread, glad I came across it. I have a specific question that comes up a lot down here. In SC, trailer tags are not required on trailers that are less than 5000lbs(I thinks its 5000, might be a bit less), its a bit questionable as to if that weight includes cargo(specific questions to boat trailers), but that's a whole other thread. Back to the original question, if towing in NC, with an SC tow vehicle and an SC trailer, I assume its legal to tow with out a tag as long as its in the legal SC requirements(first question) The problem we run into is most trailers down here don't have titles(second question), if we sell a buy or sell a trailer down here, there's never a title exchanged, if its sold to an NC owner, he doesn't have anything but a bill of sale to carry to the DMV, I've run into this before having sold a boat to a guy in NC, he had to have me supply him with a notarized bill of sale from me, and the guy I bought it from. Its not required to have it notarized in SC, so I had to go back, find the guy I bought it from, get him to give me a bill of sale, get a notary to notarize it, get another bill of sale from me to the new owner, get it notarized and get it to the new owner. Ends up being a major pita, no wonder most people in NC have one tag for all their trailers. Whats the best way to address this?

Oh, and just to rub it in to all ya'll in NC( I was born in Raleigh, lived there for 38 years), we don't have inspections down here either.

Anybody walking the straight line hates people like me but just FYI...
I run into this all the time dealing with antique trucks. For the record, it's much easier to obtain a clear NC title and registration tag for less than all the notory mess for pre '79 Ford Trucks from non notary states if you desire to be registered in NC. And valid restored trucks registered in NC is slightly more valuable but not near as reg'ed in California. CA restored reg'ed antiques sold in CA bring highest dollar JUST because of the rules. Same will apply for guns in the future. But you can also register in your name with just a PO Box and valid license in a non-notary state. (against a few rules but easily done) And then re-sell it in NC. Never had any luck in NC applying for Lost Titles (3 attempts). And once someone signs a NC title, it HAS to be registered in the signer's name before it gets transferred again. In NC there's no such thing as a Quick Title Transfer? Don't know where these old folks come up with this one every time but I have to explain and re-negotiate.
NC is by far the strictest state I've ever dealt with and I've bought / sold 70+ vehicles and just titles from 20-25 different states. But as mentioned, there's always a way around things in NC once you learn their ways. Same goes for anything.
The trailer issue has an offset direction - Grind number / repaint / replace wood and stickers and lights / Apply for new home made trailer status from DMV. May cost a tad more but time and headache is cut dramatically and you basically have a new trailer. Otherwise, one tag size fits all...
The vehicle you were driving is registered in TN?
Yes. Gate City VA heading from Hawkins County. I was 18 y.o. and had no money / knowledge to fight it. Policeman was new and just looking for something. Got completely searched while locked in the back of his car as well. I had just bought the car (1957 Chevy 4-door post) and out joy riding. Felt raped as I drove back home. Paid like $80 at the time and left it behind me. Until now! And I guess I got to let it dwell for 3 MORE years in my head...
If you car came with one it needs to be there.
will you get pulled for it? probably not.
You actually only have to have 1 brake light working by law. Nc statue states to pass inspection a vehicle must have a fully functional brake light. It was a typo but that is current law. A guy in Guilford got pulled for having a broken brake light and was intoxicated got a dui and got off because he had a good lawyer who found that flaw in the law. Hence the officer did not have probable cause to pull him to begin with. That was a few months back...and is on the process of being changed to prevent that again.
so I guess this is not legal I have title was going to put my shocks and drive shafts in and drive any bets on how long it takes to get ticket in Boone nc


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