Tapatalk is an app. You have to pay for it (couple bucks?) to install it on your phone, but then you can use it to browse NC4x4. It only fetches the 'important' data and then does all the formatting in the app.
I know what you mean but I was referring to an app that updates you about things on NC4x4, similar to a facebook app, so that you get a update via cell phone when your subscribed threads are posted in, or when something your for sale ad gets a hit, or when you get a PM.
Tapatalk is a good app, but its not synced up with NC4x4.
tapatalk does do live notifications, it sends u a text when a thread u have subscribed gets a new post or when u get a pm.
Wow that was freaky,I clicked on the link up at the top and it switched my home computer to Mobile View.I couldn't figure out WTH had happened.
Yep User CP.I think I went to user cp to fix it.