Need a driveshaft from Boone to Raleigh...

Will Carter

Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2005
If you're heading to Raleigh from Boone let me know and I'll throw you some gas money to get a drive shaft to Cperry.

Will - 828.850.7950
Need a driveshaft from Boone to Raleigh
That would have to be the worlds longest driveshaft.

I will be going from roughly Lincolnton to Durham on 9/28 if that helps figure anything out.
My lackey is going to greensboro thursday night and comming back to boone saturday morning. He can take it to greensboro if anyone is making the trip from there...

EDIT: Posted by said lackey...
i will be driving from ashe county to raleigh this sunday, i could possibly swing by boone and grab it, would only be 20 or so minutes out of the way, PM me if youre interested
or call me 704 798 9491