Need advice finding a backcountry cabin to rent!


New Member
Nov 10, 2009
Thought id ask some advice on your forum. I heard about you guys through a member on my forum. Hes called turtle mechanic here on
Well to my question. Do you know where i can find a back country cabin to rent in North Carolina or surrounding area somewhere in the mountains. Id prefer something isolated and very basic no electricity or running water needed. The only thing i want to be able to access the cabin with my rig

I have vacation for the first time in 5 years and its only for 10 days. id prefer to arrive on christmas the 25th
id like to stay till the 30 of november. If any body knows any where i can do this please let me know. I look forward to your responses. No tourist traps lol
Im looking just for something away from people with would allow me to hike out of the cabin and not see any one for a few miles. Something isolated .
Any tips would be appreciated.
Saw what you need online recently, but don't remember where, I think it's bookmarked on one of my work PC's, I'll have to check for you. It's on USFS land, somewhere around the VA/NC/TN junction, iirc. Cabin was up a forest road, it's an old homestead, was $25 a night. I'll see if I can find it.
Google took me right to it.

The more experienced riders can take a right on Wolf Laurel Road for a short side trip to the hunter’s camp and Wolf Laurel trail head. This dead-end has some rather steep switchbacks over several miles. The Forest Service rents Swan Cabin on this road for $25.00 a night, but there is not much in the way of conveniences at this rustic, remote cabin. You have to make reservations January 2, the first day reservations open each year. Contact Cheoah Ranger Station at 828-479-6431 for information.

About 3/4 down this page:

Saw what you need online recently, but don't remember where, I think it's bookmarked on one of my work PC's, I'll have to check for you. It's on USFS land, somewhere around the VA/NC/TN junction, iirc. Cabin was up a forest road, it's an old homestead, was $25 a night. I'll see if I can find it.

That would be awesome! Let me know

Primitive camping is cool as well but in summer not really winter lol.

My fault i ment Dec 25th to Dec 30 or even Jan 2nd

Thanks for the feedback guys. Your lucky to live in such an awesome state . Anybody wanna trade places. I cant stand florida.
OH that would have been perfect too bad it opens Jan 2nd thats after my vacation lol thanks for the great feedback though

No...the way I read it, Jan 2 is when reservations open up for the following year....that's when you can start making reservations....You can call now and see if it's still available for Christmas this year.

edit...more info....googled "Swan Cabin Wolf Laurel Road" and got lots of hits on it....

You can reserve it at

Rental Policy: Swan Cabin is available to the public on a first come, first served basis. We start making reservations the first day we work of the calendar year. These reservations must be made through Reserve America by telephone at 877-444-6777 or Stay is limited to 7 nights per reservation, 2 separate reservations per year and no consecutive weekends allowed. Also, only one holiday reservation is allowed. The charge is $25.00 per night and must be paid in full within 14 days of making the reservation. This charge is non-refundable and may not be moved to another reservation. No exceptions. If after paying for your reservation you must cancel for any reason you forfeit your entire fee. (This is to reduce days reserved and not used; and to allow more individuals the opportunity to use this facility.) Ten people is the maximum number of people allowed to stay at the cabin.

That from this page....
Check out the listings on

To get away from it all look at the Smokey Mtns and the Blue Ridge listings.

There are a lot of cabins for rent on that site. I'm sure you can find one to suit your needs there.

Check out the listings on

To get away from it all look at the Smokey Mtns and the Blue Ridge listings.

There are a lot of cabins for rent on that site. I'm sure you can find one to suit your needs there.


Thanks FishHunt but those are way to luxuirous for my taste, rmeber i stated no electricity or running water. These all have that and more including hot tubs and over 5 rooms.

kaiser 715 was close with his recommendation but when i called it had already been booked!
having fun with google....

Middle Creek Cabins in WVA

Rented as a single unit, Middle Mountain Cabins includes a main cabin with a kitchen, and two historic sleeping cabins. The rate is the same whether one or all of the cabins are used. All cabins have fireplaces. Firewood is available on site. There is no water in the cabin, but an outside handpump for drinking water is available. One vault toilet is located on site. There is no electric available.

Each sleeping cabin contains two sets of bunk beds, while the main cabin contains one full size bed for a total capacity of ten people.

The kitchen cabin includes a gas stove, kitchen cabinets, a table and six chairs, two lounge chairs, some pots, pans, dishes and silverware.

Visitors to the cabin should bring the following: matches/lighter, ax, small saw, bedding, lanterns for each cabin, flashlights, food, ice chests, and personal gear. Food should be protected as field mice and bears can be frequent visitors. National Forest - Middle Mountain Cabins

This link might time out...if so, google "Greenbrier Ranger District Middle Mountain Cabins"