Need GIF converted to CAD (DXF)

What ya'll think? Let's try photobucket since I can't seem to figure out how to upload today?

I still need to touch up a tad and ESPECIALLY set the lines to be drawn in order so I don't break any CNC machines.:beer:

is it just be but every time I see those letters I think the word EGGS
you guys are speaking some greek, but all of you have been very helpfull an this is much apreaciated. here is my logo image. and ill email the EPS file to the parties involved if that helps you. And will be having these etched onto promotional rotton EGGS for anyone that wants one


  • ecgs_logo.gif
    7.8 KB · Views: 190
And will be having these etched onto promotional rotton EGGS for anyone that wants one

Get them etched onto foamy brains instead and I'll hand them out by the dozen!
you guys are speaking some greek, but all of you have been very helpfull an this is much apreaciated. here is my logo image. and ill email the EPS file to the parties involved if that helps you. And will be having these etched onto promotional rotton EGGS for anyone that wants one
I'll take a set of "rotten EGGS for a d60.:bling:
Cperry, I'm thinking that either that what you uploaded isn't an eps, or NC4x4 image upload converted it to a gif. That's what it's calling it be, and besides that, .eps's don't display on web, and that file is. not sure if you emailed it to me, but I'll check when I get to the office in the morning.
yes thats just a GIF I uploaded, I emailed you the EPS file. I just posted logo so people could see it big and we all new what we were trying to create, and when I say "we" thats excluding me, I am just using 3 letter symbols that I have no idea what they mean or stand for or do.
When I google eps file it tells me it's a Photoshop image file? That ain't vector? If someone wants to try to convert, hit me with it. If not, the only way I know is the old fashioned way of tracing? The ring gear didn't turn out like I wanted so I'm going to take another stab. I am only pleased with exactness...
When I google eps file it tells me it's a Photoshop image file? That ain't vector? If someone wants to try to convert, hit me with it. If not, the only way I know is the old fashioned way of tracing? The ring gear didn't turn out like I wanted so I'm going to take another stab. I am only pleased with exactness...

.eps stands for Encapsulated Post Script. and you are correct, there is an .eps photoshop file and yes it is Raster. But there is also a more widely used format that is Vector. The most common and best eps (at least that I have dealt with is an Illustrator .eps) There are other Vector programs that save to .eps, like Freehand, but if you want to get technical, Freehand actually save a Freehand Vector file and then saves a tag in the file info that says "Hey treat me like a an eps so other programs can read me. In actuality it's a fake eps file.

for that that want to delve further into file format, you can also save an Illustrator file as a PDF, and the PDF holds onto the Vector information to open back into Illustrator or other programs. PDF = Portable Document Format and that's what is does very well, it make a file portable from program to program Platform to platform.

Having worked in Pre-Press for several years and Graphic Design, I've had to find so many ways of converting files from one application or format to another. Hell, I've taken files thru 4 programs just to extract the info I needed in the format I wanted. :D

now with the .eps that Cperry sent me, I did this in about 15 seconds. NOTE: this is not the CAD file, just a .gif to view online. I'll email the dxf in a minute.


  • ecgs_logo-[Converted].gif
    6.1 KB · Views: 155
If you can convert this to DXF then the work is over half done. Next a person needs to assign line directions and order so the CNC laser ain't picking up so many times and going so many directions.
The 3d thing you're seeing is probably just screen res and image size issue. that is just a straight up line art single outline of each object.

And you were certainly right earlier, that ring gear isn't round. and the teeth aren't the same.

Cperry, I just spent the last 30 minutes, cleaning out some junk that was in the file. and Merging some objects that didn't need to be seperate pieces. i.e. the end of the Pinion where it meets the Ring Gear teeth and overlap. that was 4 different pieces when it should be one. as well as overlapping text in red. I also simplified the ECGS Gradient Parts and pieces. There were random artifacts here and there in the file and the Teeth on the ring gear were....not as clean as I would have sent you had I built it. ;) Please don't take those comments the wrong way, My thing is Vector art and I'm particular about line art structure. :beer: I'll email you what I have and you can do with it what you want.
When it comes to advertising a Logo, you need it to be exactly the same everywhere you see it. If not, it shows a poor quality of work (to me and possibly others?) Kind of a "slap job" so-to-speak. It's like something you can see off in a distance and KNOW without second guessing if it is or isn't the logo.
Make sense Chase? Brent's approach of converting the original file is better than my cadd work. Not saying I ain't an awesome Cadder!:flipoff2:
May want to ask a CNC person on here of how deep to set the lines if any? And if the characters need to be solids so the laser cuts it out and not just individual lines?

That's about the extent I can add to this thread.... Except that I know if there's EVER anything off the wall I need done or need to know, I can ask on NC4x4!
.... Except that I know if there's EVER anything off the wall I need done or need to know, I can ask on NC4x4!

No kidding you guys are the shit, I got diff skills, you guys got some super sweet 3 letter acronym skills with mad design skills. And some sweet numchuck skills