im bout to do a sas on a 86 f150 and i have a sterling 10.25 and a dana 50 front. if anyone know were i can get 10-12 in leaf springs for a good price it would be very appreciated
the leafs all depend on where you want the axle to land. 5" stretch from stock and so forth. the lift of the leafs also depend on the brackets you plan on using or making.
from the way it sounds, the steering will be a SOB to figure out. hope you go full hydro with that mud racer.
Go with around a 8" to 10" Chevy 73-87 front spring super is good and buy/make hangers for the front. Then just level the rear when front in where u want it. Guessing ur wanting around a 39-44" tire? Used Chevy springs can be found pretty cheap. Here or Craigslist