need help with brakes


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2008
Hey guys, I just bought an 84cj with D60f and D70r. The brakes are stock D60fronts and D44 calipers from and wagoner on the D70. I'm running the jeep power booster and master. The brakes stop but the pedal is very mushy, and has slow rebound. We have bleed the system out. Can someone tell me what they using for one tons that works.
Are you using a 4 disc master cylinder?
Are you using the old prop valve?
Have you REALLY gotten all the air out of the system?
What kind of pressure readings are you getting at each caliper?
Not being a smart butt but sometimes you have to step back and look at the little things again when doing a build. Something simple usually ends up being the problem.
Once I had a "special" moment and didn't catch that the bleeders weren't on top! The calipers had been put on the wrong side.
I was told by the guy I bought it from that he used a master from an all disc vehicle, but he could be wrong. I seem to have plenty of stopping and holding power, the pedal just doesn't return as fast a I think it should. I don't see a proportioning valve, just a brass looking deal that both lines go into and it has an electrical connection on top which I thought had something to do with the abs system. It doesn't seem to have adjustment knobbs on it. Is this a factory valve that isn't adjustable? If so whos valve do you suggest?
Thanks for your help
Yep that sounds like the factory cj prop valve. You can remove it and run without it. You will then have 25% braking power at each wheel and 50% front to rear ratio. If your dead set on having a prop vale for a different front to rear ratio then you can pick up any generic one from summit or jegs. They are adjustable and you can set the ratio to whatever you like.
This may not help the mushy pedal feel but its good food for thought.
PM sent. Been there,done that! Know the cure!