Need Help With Gear Ratio


Active Member
Jul 25, 2009
williamston nc, relocated from Bertie Co.
Cause I always skipped math class! I have a 79 cj and I previously had a t150 and d20 with 44's and 401. I am changing over to a turbo 400 and 49'' Irocks, keeping the d20 and 401 what do you think about the 5.38's,I'm mostly street cruising with this one. The 5.38's ran well with the manual trans. Thanks
You will need rockwells.
Strength, ratio & cost.
Final ratio for either transmission is 1:1, but you didn't say what tire you were running before(size)
You will be doing some major huffing running that set up with 49's
I foresee carnage off the trail.
Ring and pinion
Drive shafts/u-joints
Burned tranny
t-case gears

all in all it's just not a good combo.
if you run the axles from the 78 truck, and it is a 14 bolt/44 combo you should be fine. I ran that on my truck with 44s and I went through transmissions long before i broke anything else. If you gear it to a 5.38 it should be cool. But I would never put a turbo 400 in it. It will rob power, and just not good for big tires. If you run a sm465 you would be much better off. If anything you would be replacing clutchs instead of transmissions. I did the automatic thing, and that is why I have go with manuals ever since.
I had a t-18 in my j truck and really liked it. it would just bury it in 3rd.