Need help with value of antique chairs


YHDG's adopted son!!!
Jun 19, 2007
high point
Any ever see anything like these? We have 6 4 without arms, 2 with. They look to be hand carved. No markings. They have been at my grandmothers for over 25 years. We have the cushions that go with them. They are sturdy as any chair i have seen. Anybody have an idea of value of these?
Hand carved, OK, we've made it to the over 100 year hump. Next question is are they pegged or screwed? Screws were common after cival war and pegs tend to date back to earlier. A handcarved pegged together chair can very likely be late 1700s.

And seriously, if they're mid-1700's and you have a set of 4, I cant esitimate a value since I'm not an appraiser but you could buy a house with it.
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Looking at those arm decorations, Id actually be shocked if those are hand carved.

But I trust Snappy explicitly so if he says they are good enough for me.
ron I could be wrong. I am going to take pics of the joints and screws tomorrow. The are flat head screws and the joints don't look to be done on a machine..... I will post more.....