Need Ideas


Grumpy, decrepit Old Man
Mar 20, 2005
Morganton NC
Mrs Price is trying to work her way into the bumpersticker and T-shirt market. She has hundreds of ideas on paper and a bunch of shirts made. What I would like to have from you, my fellow wheelers, are ideas for stickers and shirts you would like to see out there. Any and all will be appreciated
Just a few bumper stickers I could think of.

Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Toyotas; Follow Me To Tellico; I (Heart) Rocks; I (Heart) Mud; Don't Piss Me Off, I'll Drive Over You; Life Is Better In Low Range; Four Wheeling: The Addiction With No Twelve Step Program;
How about a picture of a super swamper and then the phrase "Size does matter". Maybe a picture of a suzuki samarai on top of a jeep and then the phrase "Its a jeep thing and you're right I DON'T understand". You could do a picture of a rock crawler doing some mad articulation and the say "Just strecht'n my legs a bit".
I always liked: "It's not what you buy, it's what you build"
I'd buy a bumper sticker/windshield banner that said "Leave no stone unchurned" or maybe a T-shirt with a Jeep caricature churning some rocks with the same saying.
Thanks guys, keepem commin! And the plan as of now is to be at Crawfords in May for his first swap meet
Yea, though I 4-wheel through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no trail; for thou art modified; thy winch and thy lockers they comfort me.

...been there, broke that...

Maybe a checklist of famous obstacles you can check off with perm marker (sorta like the 2004 CTB stickers)
Guardrail, Slickrock, Welder Waterfall, etc...(heck u pick em)

I just bought 2 tshirts on ebay a week or so ago, they were:

It's hip to be square, "It's a YJ thing" with a YJ on it...

If you can read this...SHOOT MY SPOTTER (written upside down with upside down jeep...)

You might look into doing HAM radio shirts (nice graphic and add your custom callsign, KI4ARL is mine for instance...maybe the graphic could be a "shadow" of a SUV with 4 or 5 antennas...

Someone here had a signature that said "I understand the jeep thing, that's why I drive a Toyota." I'd but a t-shirt and sticker that said that. Might need to get permission though.
Gag gift shirts. plain black with white lettering to go across the chest (like the got milk stuff):
Chief Cable Puller
Winch bitch
Bad Spotter
My shit is broken, again.
Vynil volcano maker.
Easy to flop.
I flop too easily.
I popped my pinion!
Birfield breaker.
Hub killer.
I break stuff.

Same vein, less gag.
Got Spares?
Got Winch?
Got GPS?
Got Mog? (Kimball would like this one)

White orthogonal view outlines of a detroit locker, winch, universal joints, etc.
