Need Seal for 9.5

lil roger

New Member
Nov 26, 2006
I put a 14 bolt 9.5 inch under my 88 Chevy Scottsdale and can not find the right seal for it. Old seal had a 2pc.seal on it one on yoke other in rear end. Any help with this had to modiify yoke to fit drive shaft is there a direct replacement for yoke and seal. I wsa told rear-end would be direct bolt in yea right that did not happen.
well the 14b should be a direct bolt unless it came from a 1ton dwr then spring perches are diff.

But I am a little confused what seal you are having trouble with. You will need a diff universal...

But you have me on this seal...what seal is bad....
Sorry for the confusing I am in need of a pinion seal it had a seal on the yoke and in the housing it was leaking so i removed it off the yoke and out of housing. So the one I put in is leaking still has the orginal yoke. The universal would not fit the pinion yoke and the one out of the 10 bolt will not fit teh 14 bolt rear end.So I modified the 14 bolt until I can find a proper fit. Does this help anyone out with my problem.