Need some computor help


New Member
Feb 22, 2007
So I'm over at a friends place at the moment and her computer decided to go haywire. Long story short it won't boot completely. The best I can get is a black screen that says "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: \winnt\system32\config\system"
I have tried booting in safe mode, last known with good settings etc... but I always get this screen.
She has been having problems with spyware and I was wondering how I could at least get the system fully booted...?
Other option is to take it out back and go Office Space on it (I brought the baseball bat just in case)
Appreciate any help or ideas :beer:
You'll need to boot up on your o/s CD-rom....then 'r' to bring up the recovery console. Then you'll have to copy 'system' file from the repair directory to the \system32\config dir. Google "corrupt system32\config\system" and you'll find lots of help.

If you don't have an original o/s CD (and not the system recovery/restore cd), you can stick the HD out of the computer into another computer as a slave drive, boot up the other pc, then go to this hdd (ex. to drive D).

Good luck! (and don't take this advice and screw it up!)
You'll need to boot up on your o/s CD-rom....then 'r' to bring up the recovery console. Then you'll have to copy 'system' file from the repair directory to the \system32\config dir. Google "corrupt system32\config\system" and you'll find lots of help.

If you don't have an original o/s CD (and not the system recovery/restore cd), you can stick the HD out of the computer into another computer as a slave drive, boot up the other pc, then go to this hdd (ex. to drive D).

Good luck! (and don't take this advice and screw it up!)

I appreciate the assistance. I don't have a copy of the boot cd in Boone, but I'm fairly certain I can steal a copy from the pops. This won't get solved tonight but right now my only goal is to get important info (papers, music etc...) then wipe the drive clean and restart.

I better get a damn good homecooked dinner out of this...
Had same problem, booted to recovery console (actually off the Dell restore CD, YMMV) fixed and trouble free for ~ 6 months.
One of our comps kept doing this and all we could do is run the recovery cd. We lost everything every time. Finally the last time it happened the hard drive was completely gone, it had been failing everytime it crashed but, we got it to work each time we ran the recovery, for a while. We had the hard drive replaced and it's working good now. The comp guy couldn't get any of our pics, music and the like off of it.