Need some info on cage for an xj

PM rollota. I know his shop is a bit tied up at the moment with his Runner project, but I bet he'd be interested in tackling a cage build for an XJ....and if he were to do it and I liked it, I could get him to build me one too! :p
i bet the guys at no limit off road could help you out. nick's name on the board is bigassjeep4u i think. check them out and when they are done with it you can try your cage out by rolling the xj in their rock garden. pretty cool place. they are located in harrisburg so not very far from you.
Carolina Truggies Offroad
Indian Trail, NC
704 564 0499

Alpha4wheeldrive on here

No limit offroad

take your pic all about 15 miles form you i would guess.
what exactly are u bumping....some people have given u names so contact them and talk to them and figure out the details.