need tarnny wiring/Id help 3 speed Auto 1998 jeep tj


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2005
Cat-a-wba, North Carolina
I just bought an unfinished 1997 jeep Tj it started life as a 4cyl.
the PO started a 4.0 w/3 speed auto.The vin in the computer comes up as a 1998 Tj 4.0 auto w/AC. He said he got everything from a crashed 98 4.0 auto tj
the problem i am up against is with the tranny.
the tranny has a 3 pin park neutral safety switch
the harness has a 4 pin plug (he grounded the brown/LBlue)
the wires in the 4 pin plug are
br/lb=brown/lite blue
can anyone tell me what tranny i have? 32rh?
can anyone tell me what my tranny harness fits?
can anyone tell me what the wiring diagram is for the plug i have is?


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This may help a little

The Auto's in the TJ's are pretty simple. There was only one trans (up to 2002) And that was the 32RH. The only difference is somewhere in 99 they started using Lock up converters in them. You can tell a lock up unit by a small, black round plug on the driver, rear side of the case, right above the pan mating surface. You can run a Lock up trans without connecting this (mine is disconnected) But I really would not suggest it for Daily use. It just causes ALOT of slippage @ freeway speeds, and slippage causes HEAT. The Easy way to tell transmissions that are MOPAR is by the designation.
The plug on the trans is an older model. Go buy a 98+ NSS and swap it in. Shouldn't be more than $15 and it will plug into your harness.
Also, you are minus a pig tail connector from the plug seen in your hand to the NSS. I recently battled with this and am somewhat familiar.
A group of wires runs from the connection with the red tab to the neutral safety switch. Where does the other end of the red tabbed connector connect on your transmission?

I can possibly take a picture of said connection tomorrow if you'd like to see it. Also, check the manual section of the site...that is where I learned the most.

A group of wires runs from the connection with the red tab to the neutral safety switch. Where does the other end of the red tabbed connector connect on your transmission?

I can possibly take a picture of said connection tomorrow if you'd like to see it. Also, check the manual section of the site...that is where I learned the most.

manual section of the site?????
any help would be great