I remember just about every minute of that day... from where I was when I got word of the first plane, to watching the 2nd on TV, to every bit of discussion amongst my lab mates all day in our advisors office... I'll spare the details.
But for me, the spirit of the day has changed, but only b/c of my personal situation.
8 years ago today, my daughter was born. And very dramatically.
It was early in the morning, we were still 5 weeks from D-Day, and the labor and delivery crazy fast... like one of those unrealistic movie scenes, where they barely make it to the hospital.. and anyone who has had a baby (especially women) are like, "BS this takes like a whole day or more of boredom and pain..."
Well in our case she came literally a few minutes from when I pulled up to the delivery parking lane (90 mins after water breakage), screaming to let us in ASAP... it had been a 25 min, 95 mph drive down I 95 to get there. In fact it happened so quick I missed her coming out b/c they made me move my car and fill out papers before they'd let me in to join my wife. They had just ran her into the 1st triage room and didn't even have time to boot up a sonography machine, POP: out she was... butt-first, BREECH even. We were the talk of the hospital for days.
Our son was almost 2 months premature, so we knew what being early means and what can lay ahead. Luckily, she was juuuuust far enough along for it to not be a problem.
It wasn't until an hour or more later, when Rach and I were finally calming down a little, that we even realized what he date was.
Ever since then, while I fully respect and honor the day, the lives lost, and what it represented for our country, the sting has been less, and I've found my focus on the (second) new life in my hands to raise. We spend the day celebrating life, growth, and change. And then later, after the kids are in bed, is when the old emotions begin to come back.
In fact we were just discussing this at dinner tonight. Our son, 13, has come to realize we never really talk about it, because our focus is always on his sister on 9/11. For this we realized we have been sorely remiss, and in the future will really need to work harder to make sure they both are aware of the significance of the day.