New Guy


Jul 3, 2010
Arden, NC
Hello all!

I found this website during a search of North Carolina offroad clubs.

I am currently living in Florida (yes satans waiting room), but am in the process of selling our house and going to be relocating to the Asheville area.

I am a custom home builder and will be looking for work up in the mountains. The market here in FL has become non-exsistant and my wife and I are ready for a change.

I drive a 2009 Hummer H3T with the Adventure package (front and rear lockers, a 4.01:1 transfercase, underbody skid plating and 35" tires) see pictures below.

We are looking to move to the Asheville area or towards the west, maybe Brevard, Waynesville, etc.

Anyway, here are my pictures.


And I am a HUGE fan of Transformers, so I had a friend make me a custom billit aluminum Autobot badge for my truck


I look forward to meeting everyone here, and cant wait to get out on the trails with you.

Speaking of which, are there any good trails in the Waynesville area? I will be staying at my Unlces place there the last week of July if anyone wants to take a day and go riding.


Never been a fan of Hummers, but I like that one. I would def have to figure out how to SAS it though.

Oh and Welcome, that area of western NC is awesome!
Welcome...good luck with the move.
Going to a tough market, I know of no less than 15 home builers personally who have gone belly up in the mountains in the last 3 years...
Welcome to NC. There are plenty of really good wheeling spots within a couple hours from Asheville.
Welcome, Jason! Best of luck with the move and everything!
Welcome to the mountains.I lived in Pensacola,FL until 10yrs ago.Love it up here.Check your PM box(message).Daniel
Thanks everyone!

And yes, I do take it wheeling, actually the first trip out I tore off the factory step bars, so I changed to a setmof Power Steps instead. I would love to take it out with you guys when I get up that way.

Eventually a solid axle swap will be in order, prob after the warranty runs out.

Thanks for the link to the thread, I'm definitely going to check a few of those out.

Dan, got your message and replied. Thanks!